Course Offerings
Teaching (22 credits)
- HPE-500: Innovative Curricular Design (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: Enrollment in HPE Ph.D. Program or Education Certificate
Description: A study of selected topics in pedagogy with emphasis on recent research and theory in the disciplines of health professions education. This course includes health systems and delivery topics, interdisciplinary issues, and varying curricular design. Instructional strategies that facilitate critical thinking and clinical reasoning and incorporate a variety of teaching and learning styles into health professions education programs will be explored and discussed. Ethical principles, integrity, and compliance issues associated with teaching and learning will be discussed and presented through individual and in-class activities including syllabus construction and classroom activity development. - HPE-505: Thriving in Higher Education (1 credit)
- Prerequisites: Enrollment in HPE Ph.D. Program or Education Certificate
Description: Through course activities, students will become familiar with institutional missions and their effects on institutional culture, understand organizational/governance models, become familiar with the role and functions of academic faculty, explore strategies for obtaining and maintaining academic appointment, and investigate the relationships between professional preparation programs in healthcare professions and the larger institutions in which they are housed. Students will facilitate seminar discussions, review promotion and tenure guidelines from representative institutions, and complete a tentative career plan. Offered in a 7-week module. - HPE-510: Evidenced-Based Practice in Education (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: HPE-500
Description: A course to provide a framework for teaching that is grounded in evidence. This course will help students in developing their own teaching philosophy, design well-aligned courses, collect and evaluate evidence, and ultimately apply the science of learning to common teaching practicalities utilized. Various teaching strategies will be explored, including hands-on practical assessments, simulation, discussion, and assignment-based activities. Students will also learn strategies to overcome common barriers in evidence-based practice. - HPE-515: Current Issues in Higher Education (1 credit)
- Prerequisites: HPE-505
Description: This course will explore the academic, political, legal, governmental, financial, and other influencers that higher education leaders are forced to consider as they lead their institutions into the future. Offered in a 7-week module. - HPE-520: Student and Program Assessment (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: HPE-510 & HPE-550
Description: This course examines the importance of valid and reliable assessment data to support student learning, as well as the theories, techniques, methods, and program evaluation models currently used in assessing the effectiveness of various programs in higher education. Students will learn the appropriate methods for selection, administration, and interpretation of assessment data and how to lead the process of using student and graduate assessment data for instructional and programmatic decision-making to continue to improve outcomes. - HPE-525: Core Concepts of Interprofessional Education: Education, Practice, and Research (1 credit)
- Prerequisites: HPE-510
Description: This course seeks to provide students with an appreciation of the diversity of knowledge and perspectives that are possible in interprofessional teams that can ultimately enhance patient care, public service, and research. Offered in a 7-week module. - HPE-600: Learning Theories (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: HPE-520
Description: Explores the theories that form a foundation for all health professions educators. The primary focus of the course is to teach students foundational theories, integrative application, and social identity development in higher education today. Included are theories specific to attachment, adaptation and resilience, cognition, motor learning, empowerment, loss and grief, psycho-immunology, student development, and societal responses to stigmatized groups. Theories are applied to interprofessional practice and research design across the life span. - HPE-605: Leadership, Ethics, and Organizational Change (1 credit)
- Prerequisites: HPE-525
Description: This course examines leadership theory, concepts, and practice. Students will identify leaders and leadership styles and apply the knowledge to better understand and positively affect their organization, business, or institution. Also includes an emphasis on ethical processes and their application to leadership. Offered in a 7-week module. - HPE-610: Online Pedagogy and Course Delivery (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: HPE-600
Description: This course will explore the science and understanding behind
the pedagogy approach to teaching in the online environment. It will teach students what it means to deliver effective online content by utilizing the positive aspects of technology to deliver a beneficial educational learning experience. Students will learn how to create student-centered learning opportunities and how to develop active learning activities. - HPE-620: Teaching Practicum (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: HPE-600
Description: In this course, students will apply educational theories and skills learned through this field-based course. Students will partner with an experienced educator for this 90-hour practicum. Students may choose to complete this experience in various settings, including the classroom, laboratory, clinical setting with students or patients, and simulation. - HPE-690-01: Capstone Seminar Teaching (1 credit)
- Prerequisites: HPE-500, HPE-520, or successful completion of 6 hours in Health Professions Education Certificate
Description: This course is designed to prepare the student to meaningfully contribute to health professions education. The student will partner with an experienced educator to apply educational theories and skills learned throughout the health professions education certificate.
Research (16 credits)
- HPE-550: Research Methods (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: Enrollment in HPE Ph.D. Program or Research Certificate Description: Explores common designs utilized in health professions research, emphasizing critical appraisal of current evidence. Topics include experimental and non-experimental research designs, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses.
- HPE-560: Qualitative Research (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: HPE-550
Description: This course synthesizes the rationale, theoretical foundations, design, methods, analysis, and ethical issues related to qualitative research. Students will analyze the five approaches to qualitative research, including narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. - HPE-570: Quantitative Research (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: HPE-550
Description: Prepares the student to code, analyze, and interpret data from health professions research. Topics include scales of measurement, measurements of central tendency, summary statistics, identification of variables, coding and analyzing parametric and nonparametric data using statistical software (Shapiro-Wilk, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t-tests, Mann Whitney U, ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, linear regression). - HPE-650: Advanced Quantitative Research (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: HPE-570
Description: Prepares the student to code, analyze, and interpret advanced statistical analyses to determine relationships between factors and differences between groups. Topics will include logistic regressions, odds ratios, and meta-analyses. - HPE-655: Academic Writing (1 credit)
- Prerequisites: HPE-550
Description: Prepares the graduate to meaningfully contribute to research design and analysis in health professions. Topics include synthesizing literature, developing research questions, developing scientific communication strategies, and identifying funding sources. Offered in a 7-week module. - HPE-660: Dissertation Proposal (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: HPE-650 & HPE-655
Description: This is the first course in the three-course mentored dissertation series. This course supports the development of the dissertation proposal. Students will select a faculty mentor, identify a research question, begin a systematic review, and submit a study protocol to the Institutional Review Board at the appropriate organization(s). Successful completion of the course requires defending the dissertation proposal in a formal proposal hearing. This course is repeatable up to 4 times - HPE-690-02: Capstone Seminar Research (1 hour)
- Prerequisites: HPE-650
Description: This course is designed to prepare the student to meaningfully contribute to research design and analysis in health professions. The student will identify a faculty member with ongoing research, and assist in entry and analysis of data, as well as dissemination of findings in an appropriate public platform.
Dissertation (6 credits)
- HPE-700: Mentored Dissertation I (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: HPE-660
Description: This is the second course in the three-course mentored dissertation series. This course supports the development of the dissertation research through regular meetings with the faculty mentor. Students will complete the systematic review from HPE-660 and format it for submission to a peer-reviewed journal, gather data for their dissertation research project, and begin drafting the dissertation thesis. Successful completion of the course requires submission of the systematic review to a peer-reviewed journal. - HPE-710: Mentored Dissertation II (3 credits)
- Prerequisites: HPE-700
Description: This is the third course in the three-course mentored dissertation series. This course supports the completion of the dissertation research through regular meetings with the faculty mentor. Students complete the dissertation research project from HPE-700 and format it for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. Successful completion of this course requires the completion of the dissertation thesis and an oral defense of the project. This course is repeatable up to 4 times.